Garbage in Garbage Out - Young Boys Eyes Edition


I have been so hesitant to post this.

I'll sound like an old fuddy dud. I'll look judgmental. People will think I'm silly.

That is just a couple of thoughts going through my head.

My kids think I'm silly. They don't understand it. They think I'm being mean.

They are part of the reason I am writing this blog. Years down the road, I hope, this will be a source they can come back to and see all the inner workings, thoughts and love for them I carried. How I tried to look out for their best interest, hearts and innocence before they even knew someone needed to.

I am still struggling with the images and feelings this certain event left me with. I am still trying to put into words just how it left me feeling.

The event that has me struggling is the New Year's Eve programming.

I sat in horror as the Rockin' New Year's Eve program showed young girls and women (older than me!) wearing hardly any clothing.

First off, it was negative degrees outside. So let me high-five those ladies for being able to withstand those freezing temps!

If you were with us at our celebration, you would know that every time one of my kids came in the room, I shewed them out quickly.

If you were there, you would have thought I was annoyed with or didn't want to be around my kids. 

That is far from the truth.

The truth is I was trying to protect them. And honestly at some point, if I hadn't been feeding the baby, I would have gotten up and taken my husband with me to play with them.

As I am writing this, I see my fault in that as well. Andy and I are just as susceptible and I should have left the room.

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, 
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable
--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things."
  Philippians 4:8

The next morning, I felt prompted to look at a book that I read long ago. I grabbed the book and began reading.

"We women think we know many things about a man's inner life. We all know, for example, that 'men are visual,' but, well... what exactly does that mean? It turns out what that means in practice is the key thing- the specific insight that will help you be a better wife, girlfriend, or mother. Using the 'visual' example, the difference is vast between having the vague notion that men are visual and knowing that the sexy commercial you just watched has become a mental time bomb that will rise up and assault him the next day." 
Shaunti Feldhahn - For Women Only
I sat there struck in awe.

Is it so hard to believe that there's a rise in divorce, infidelity and addiction to pornography?

When our sons, husbands and friends are sitting and watching scantily clad women dance around the stage, is it so hard to stray from the fact that this could be what is assaulting their minds?

That this could be changing how they're wired and how they think?

Why are we not doing more to protect our children, our sons' hearts?

Why are we allowing them to sit and watch these images that aren't true, aren't right, aren't pure and aren't noble when they aren't even aware that what they are watching could hurt them? That could have an impact on their future? On their marriages?

This morning I jumped on Instagram. I have a few little cute boutique shops that I follow. I was set a back when I saw some of the clothing that they were advertising for little girls. It makes my heart break.

Why are we not talking to our children?

 Why are we allowing them to navigate these ravenous waters with no guidance?

Why are we allowing Society to give them false standards? Standards of what beauty is. Standards of what they should be looking to a woman to look like and dress?

Why are we surprised at how far Society has strayed?

It is time that we take back what our children are viewing.

We do not have to sit idly and allow them to watch whatever happens to be playing on the TV or allow them to view whatever magazines and images they see fit. 

When I am with my oldest son at the grocery, I have gone as far as to turn around magazines in the check out. He rolls his eyes but I truly think he knows I am doing it for both of our best interests.

Friends, WE are the parents.

We were given these blessings by God to care for and it's time we stand up for their innocence and allow them to be children. 

No matter what the opinions of others. 

No matter what the cost. 

They (we!) are worth it. 


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