Chicken and Black Bean Enchilada Skillet

4 1/2 tbsp butter
4 1/2 tbsp all purpose flour
3 c chicken broth
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp cumin
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp oregano
2 c cooked, shredded chicken breast
1 can of black beans
1 c sour cream
15 corn tortillas, cut into pieces
2 c cheese

In a large cast iron, heat the butter until melted  and stir in flour. Cook until bubbly and then add chicken broth. Stir until thick. Add salt, chili powder, cumin, cayenne pepper, oregano, black beans and chicken. Cook for five minutes; Stir occasionally.

Stir in sour cream and tortillas until combined.

Top with cheese, cover and cook for five minutes.

Disclaimer: This is just my opinion for me. I'm not telling you to agree with it or even like it but I am asking you to respect it. Please don't be a jerk.

I first wrote this post back in November of 2009.

Today has been a day much like that day years ago. Please put Andy in your prayers as many people he cares about have lost their jobs today.

I told a friend a couple of days ago and I still believe it.

Thank you, Jesus that you see the whole puzzle when I see only a piece. 


our husband's jobs and our jobs...

This post serves two purposes, to inform you all of Andy's job situation (and how grateful we are!) and how I feel it is best to help our husbands.

This past week Andy called and I could tell by his voice that something was amiss. "Things are bad here today," was all he said. The kids were screaming and the first time I didn't hear him. The poor guy had to repeat it again.

Last year, to the day were the first layoffs at Evenflo. They let forty people go. This week when they let people go, there were only nine, but they were all in Andy's division. People that he worked close with and had formed friendship were there one second and they no longer had employment the next.

I (along with Andy) am extremely grateful that Andy still has employment. It is being said that Andy's division will no longer have layoffs but there will be more in other areas.

The job field and work force are extremely difficult right now. The area we live in is said to only get worse before it gets better. There is a lot of unemployment. Many of our friends and family members have been jobless for six months or more, some even longer than a year.

We feel very blessed to still have income and are doing our best to help those around us. This week as I prayed for my husband's job, I felt God speaking to me. There are many things I can be doing to help my husband and the Lord put those on my heart.

Bathe your husband in prayer.When we wake in the morning, when we go to bed at night, while our husbands are at work, we should be bathing them in prayer. As I said above, the workplace is a very stressful enviroment. With all the layoffs, there is a lot of work being put on the people that still have jobs. They have to do their job as well as others. In my husband's company, they have made it abundantly clear that if you complain, have a bad attitude or do not earn your keep, you are in danger of losing your job. There can be no mistakes, no bad days, nothing. You have to be on your toes. When this is your job environment, you have to count your blessings and do the best you can. Keep a smile on your face, not complain and perservere. Therefore, as wives, we should be praying continually over our husbands mind and emotions while he is at his workplace.

Be good stewards.I know that my husband is working hard for the money that is brought home. Therefore, I should be doing my best to spread a dollar as far as I can. I should be spending less and saving more. I should be paying off debt instead of going on shopping sprees. We should be eating at home more and spending more time doing activities that do not cost as much. And, in my opinion the most important (I have stated how I stand on being God's messenger) is tithing. When we tithe, we give God what is rightfully His and He knows our heart and blesses us. When we give our tithe first, God is faithful and our needs are met. Therefore, tithe should be one of the first steps toward being good stewards with our husband's income.

Keep everyone healthy.When we keep our families healthy, our husband does not have to worry about what is going on at home and it also keeps him in top physical condition. When our husbands are sick, it is harder for them to work their best and have a good frame of mind and spirit. When everyone is healthy, it also saves money but not having to seek medical intervention or help. We also do not have to buy products that aid in making us well. As mothers, we can keep our family healthy by teaching proper handwashing to our children (and enforce it!), take vitamins, and eat healthy food. When our bodies are in top running condition, we are more likely to fight off illness.

Take care of our home.My husband does not mind if he comes home to a dirty house (or so he says!) but I can tell it is taxing on him to try and relax in a cluttered and uninviting environment. Therefore, I try and always have our home at least picked up when I know he is almost home. It doesn't mean that I thoroughly clean my home everyday, but it does mean that there are not dirty clothes on the couch where he comes to sit.

Take care of the children.Our kids are very important to my husband and me. I know when I used to work and Andy had Dylan at home, it would have been very upsetting if I had to worry about whether Dylan was properly take care of. I never had to. If there is an obedience problem at home or there is sickness, I try not to call and vent to Andy. He has his own problems to deal with at work, he should have not have to hear about what is going on at home. He is at work, there is nothing he can do but worry and be anxious. Therefore, I try and keep my job at home MY job.

I also never threaten the boys with "just wait until your dad gets home!". That does two things, one it makes a hostile environment for Andy to come home to and second, it underminds my authority. The boys do not take my seriously. So when there is a problem at home I do not call Andy and I handle it myself.

Be dressed.
When Andy gets home, I always have all of us dressed. How disheartening would it be to get up early, work hard all day and then come home and see the rest of your family still in their PJ's? I, for one, would not be happy!

Love them when they return home.Now I am going to admit, I am not a touchy feely, lovey type person. However, I always try to greet my husband with a kiss and a hug when he gets home. I want him to know that I missed him and I am grateful for him. I also try and show my love by having dinner on the table or almost there. He is hungry for food, love and appreciation and time to relax. I try to help with all those.

Thank him.Thank him for being the provider and leader of the home. Let him know you appreciate him and do not take him for granted. This makes him feel good about spending time and energy. It gives him a sense of purpose and it tells him that he is loved and admired. 
As I have sat and reread this, I know that I have let a lot of things slip and I am so grateful that I was given this reminder so that I can better serve my husband. 

Choosing to live on one income now days seems like a crazy notion - especially when so many mouths need to be fed.

A question I am often asked is how I keep my grocery budget so low and still eat good foods.

So today I am addressing ... How I Afford to Cook for SO MANY Kids and How I Get it Done - Chicken Stretching!

To be completely transparent, I used to be a HUGE foodie. Organic, whole foods. Free range, non-hormone meats. Raw milk.

Those are all amazing things to eat and to feed your family.

If we had unlimited funds, that would be the way we eat.

But for now, compromises needed to be made.

To me, eating good, fresh fruits and veggies is a must.

Eating is a must.

So while some will not agree with some of our food choices, you do you. You do what works for you and your family. No judgement from me.

Let's start with the how do I get it done... It's simple. I can sum it up in one picture.

This is how I get just about anything done. Baby wearing for the win!

I digress. 

In this post, I am going to share with you how I stretch chicken to fit our food budget. I am not going to take the time to share recipes today but be looking for them!

At our house, meat is NOT the majority of the meal. It's just s small portion. 

I know. Crazy. Even to me. I am a steak and potato kinda gal but when you are a growing family of 8, you have to stretch and everyone getting a chicken breast just isn't the normal.

Last Saturday I went to our local grocery. They had family packs of boneless, skinless chicken breast for $1.69/lb. I purchased six pounds. 

Here is how I split and stretched that six pounds into numerous meals.

Using the Instant Pot, we cooked the chicken and shredded it. It was approximately 10-11 cups.

How I split up the 10ish cups:
2 cups - Chicken and Black Bean Enchilada Skillet
2 cups - Chicken Pot Pie
1 cup - Chicken and Noodles
1 cup - Chicken Quesadillas
2 cups - Chicken, Broccoli and Rice Bake
1 cup - White Chicken Chili
1 cup - Chicken Salad

Now some of these are NOT huge meals. We do not have any leftovers. Often time, we have a salad or applesauce to accompany the main dish. However, a couple of these meals made enough leftovers for Andy to take them to work a couple days for lunch.

So I spent around $10.25 and got the meat for seven dinners and at least five lunches for Andy. 

I'd say that's a win!

How about you? How do you make your food budget go further? 

Ever had the feeling that God is trying to get something through your thick skull and if you don't start paying attention, He is just going to knock you out with it?

I have that crazy notion.

It seems like everywhere I am, someone or something is discussing anxiety and contentment.

My women's study group is doing a book.

My quiet Bible reading time is addressing it.

A girlfriend is talking about it.

The MONEY SAVING book you are reading brings it up.


And more humbling (full out vulnerability here...), the doctor brings up that you may be struggling with late onset PPD that is magnifying anxiety.

Here are a few findings I would like to share...

In Max Lucado's book Anxious For Nothing, he shares -

Anxiety and fear are cousins but not twins. Fear sees a threat. Anxiety imagines one. 
Fear screams Get out! Anxiety ponders What if? Fear results in fight or flight. Anxiety creates doom and gloom. Fear is the pulse that pounds when you see a coiled rattlesnake in your front yard. Anxiety is the voice that tells you, Never, ever, for the rest of your life, walk barefooted through the grass. There might be a snake…somewhere.

 I struggle a lot with anxiety and worry.

Is worry a sin?

Not necessarily.

But it is for me...

My worry is disbelief that God is going to take care of everything. It drives me further from Him. My anxiety is disbelief that He already knows and has it handled.

Today I want to leave you with a verse that has been carrying me through crazy times lately. It's a simple one to remember and I urge you to do so...

"The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still." - Exodus 14:14

There is a lot to be anxious about in the world we are living. Instead of letting anxiety rule our lives, let's hand those anxieties to the one that can truly handle them all.

My mama often tells a story of when I was younger. She'd ask me "Can't you find anyone normal to be your friend?"

I would ponder that question and answer "We aren't normal mom."

This week has been quiet on the blog. I've been cocooning and reeling from hard situations people I love are facing.

The question my mama asked me all those years ago comes back to mind.

See, I have this funny notion that every marriage, every life is a lot like mine. Every wife has a doting husband. Sure there are the bickerments but life is good.

Every now and again, a situation comes up and I am reminded that I once again am not the normal.

Being married for 12 years just a little into my thirties is not normal. By statistics, I should at the very least be unhappy if not divorced.

Here I sit, writing this and sometimes days are hard. Andy and I face a multitude of challenges but we are madly in love. I know of his devotion to me and he knows of mine to him.

Honestly, that makes us weird.

Society is blasting us on each side. Infidelity is glorified. Divorce is celebrated. It's entertaining.

What they don't show in that show you're watching is the destruction and pain that goes along with it.

We are taught to "follow our heart" instead of doing what's right.

It's heart breaking.

This morning I am praying for the marriages of my family, of my friends and of my kids' futures.

Satan is on attack.

I have successfully finished my first read in the weekly goal time! *cheers*

I would love to spend all the time this book deserves reviewing it. However, I have a babe that was just given four shots and a toddler that has been sick.

Let me give you the quick abbreviated version.

I really enjoyed this book.

It was a book for all seasons and all situations a woman could find herself in - working, single, young mother, etc. No matter where you find yourself, it would reach out to you.

It was simple and straight-forward yet convicting.

Example -

We are called to be hospitable. What keeps us from being so? Maybe your house is dirty. Here is a plan to get your house in order. Step by step.

I am still foggy from having a baby. This was just what my tired mind needed.

I am extremely grateful I chose this as my first read. If you are a woman and are looking to for a convicting but helpful and encouraging read, I highly recommend this book!

Every piece of every size clothing out to sort and purge (Andy says it looks like Goodwill exploded), football, run away killer oven and vomit.

Sums up my day. I wouldn't change it but would love for something to go as planned. Just one time.

Until next post.