Jesus IS with You in the Glass House

What does Jesus have to do with a glass house?

What in the world? How is that thought even making sense in my mind?

I am sitting here still pondering and placing all my thoughts (or trying) in the correct places. Trying to make sense of all the emotions and feelings and thoughts that swirl in this tired, weary mama's mind.

As I think more about it, I see two sides to my thoughts and many, many emotions. It comes down to these...

What makes me feel like I am in a glass house?

My husband and I live against the grain. As Christ-followers, we often have fellow believers looking at us with mouths wide open and thinking "What are they doing?!". We have often even had such a question asked.

We have many times sought God's will for our family and it is not what others would have ever considered.

I often feel like the glass house consists of me going about my chaotic life with everyone watching. Waiting. Waiting for everything to come apart. Often, I am trying to close the "curtains" on my glass house windows trying to keep the world from seeing. Trying to keep the opinions and nay sayers from seeing.

If it sounds kind of depressing or negative, I have often felt it is. I feel like we check all the "weirdo" boxes.

But then I remember ....

Jesus is in the glass house with me!

Not only is He always with me. All these against the grain things we are doing are by His calling. He isn't just in the house with us, He has orchestrated all the situations and callings in the glass house. It is by His will and our wanting to yield to it that we are by society's thoughts "weirdos".

We are not alone. As we open the Bible, I find that we are in good company. It is full of stories of people going against society's norms. Look at Noah. Poor Noah.

But most of all, look to the one whom we wish to serve -- Jesus. He went against every norm there could be. He is the ultimate example.

As Paul says in Philippians -- "For to me, to live in Christ and to die is gain."

As mamas, as Christ-followers, as glass house dwellers - we must live daily as Paul states and rejoices. We have to remember that no matter the opinions of society, friends, family, fellow believers - we need to keep the thought of living in Christ - by His will -  YET dying, whether by friendships depleting, people gaping, opinions being ousted, hard decisions where reputations are on the line, we should see that as a privilege and rejoice. We should see it as becoming more like Christ. We should rejoice!

As I am writing this, I feel empowered. The spirit is moving. The Jesus bumps are a pricklin'!

This is our journey in the glass house - where societal norms and Christ will collides. I'm sure this is just the first entry of many.


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